Vibrating conveyors, feeders and surfaces
Optimised loading and conveying with vibrating feeders and vibrating conveyors.
Loading is optimised thanks to horizontal vibrating sieving machines such as the Cusinato vibrating screen feeders and conveyors. These vibrating surfaces distribute the product at the loading point of the elevators, filling the buckets completely to make sure they are at maximum capacity.
These vibrating conveyors and vibrating feeders are available in various models, are used to even out the flow of products for continuous loading, not only for bucket elevators but also for drying, cooling or storage belts.
The Cusinato vibrating conveyors and vibrating feeders are an optimal solution for food products such as dry pasta, pet food, snacks, dried fruits, nuts and dried legumes, cereal and seeds.
Strengths of the our vibrating conveyors and vibrating feeders:
- Optimised elevator loading;
- Conveying and handling of particularly greasy and sticky products that are also delicate;
- Homogenisation of premixed products (e.g. multi-coloured pasta);
- Horizontal conveying in tight spaces;
- Wide range of configurations.