Vibrating Extractors
A constant, controlled flow: the Cusinato vibrating extractors.
The Cusinato product extraction system consists of a vibrating extractor, adjustable damper and flow deviator, and is designed to ensure a constant flow and perfect dosage control.
Strengths of the vibrating extractors:
- Flexibility of use in both new and existing silos and hoppers;
- Setting the dosage for the required flow rate by adjusting the modular damper (manually, in motorised or automatic mode);
- Preparation of mixtures with different products or formats by using several extractors and controlling the flow of ingredients through the adjustable dampers, in the required proportions.
The range of Cusinato Vibrating Extractors is made up of different models that differ according to the flow rate needed.
Motorised with one or more motor-driven vibrators, they are capable of extracting and dosing products stored in silos even when handling products that do not flow easily.
The Vibrating Extractors can be completed with:
- Electrical or manual operated sliding gate;
- Product flow control/presence sensor;
- Flow deviator, to serve two users through the same extraction system.
Please feel free to contact us for a personal consultation.