Noticias, secciones o columnas, fotos, vídeos e información especializada para entrar en el mundo de Cusinato. Manténgase informado sobre nuestras novedades.
Nueva planta para el Grupo La Moderna en México
Cusinato Group, con las empresas Cusinato Giovanni y CMB, completó y probó con éxito una nueva planta para el Grupo La Moderna en México. Con una historia de más de 100 años, La Moderna es el principal productor de pasta en México y una de las 50 empresas más grandes de toda la República Mexicana. […]
Feria Expo Pack 2024
El Grupo Cusinato, con las empresas Cusinato Giovanni Srl y CMB Srl, estará presente a la feria EXPO PACK en la Ciudad de México desde el 4 hasta el 7 de Junio 2024. Les damos la bienvenida en nuestro stand «1036».
ProPak MENA Exhibition
The Cusinato Group, with the companies Cusinato Giovanni Srl and CMB Srl, will be present at the ProPak MENA exhibition in Cairo from 26 to 28 May 2024. We look forward to welcoming you to our stand (Hall 1 – Stand 30).
Djazagro Exhibition: ready to welcome you to our stand!
Cusinato Group, together with the companies Cusinato Giovanni Srl and CMB Srl, will be taking part in the Djazagro exhibition in Algiers, Algeria, from 22th till 25th April 2024. From 22th till 25th April our sales staff is ready to meet you at our stand CT C 046 and give you all the information you may need.
Una noche especial para un viaje extraordinario
El 23 de febrero, Cusinato Giovanni celebró su 60 años de actividad en una espléndida villa veneciana del siglo XVIII. Una ocasión que se convirtió en una noche inolvidable, durante la cual se celebraron esta importante meta y el cumpleaños 85 del fundador Giovanni. Nos complace compartir estos momentos tan importantes para todos nosotros.
Continuación de la colaboración con la empresa Abbiamo Pasta
La colaboración entre la empresa Abbiamo Pasta de Dakota del Norte (EE.UU.) y Cusinato Giovanni sigue con la reciente ampliación de la planta de almacenamiento de pasta corta. Queremos agradecer a la empresa Abbiamo Pasta Co. por su confianza constante en nuestros equipos y tecnología.
Pastificio Girolomoni, un punto de referencia en la producción de pasta italiana que surge de agricultura biologica
La colaboración con Cusinato comenzó en el 2010 con la construcción de la planta de almacenamiento de pasta corta y continuó en el 2013 con una ampliación. Una colaboración que continúa tambien este año con la ampliación de la distribución desde los silos hasta las máquinas envasadoras. Orgullosos de contribuir a este crecimiento, queremos agradecer […]
An efficient integrated cleaning system An increasing number of food industries need to implement internal handling of their products under high conditions of cleanliness and hygiene. To meet these requirements, Cusinato has designed the JW Series bucket conveyor with CIP (Clean-In-Place), capable of performing customisable washing and cleaning cycles, optimising costs and resources used. A […]
Feria Djazagro 2023
Feria Djazagro: listos para recibirte en nuestro stand! El Grupo Cusinato, con las empresas Cusinato Giovanni Srl y CMB Srl, estará presente a la feria Djazagro de Argelia, Argelia desde el 5 hasta el 8 de junio 2023. Os esperamos desde el 5 hasta el 8 de junio, en nuestro stand CT D 089, donde […]
Feria Interpack 2023
Feria Interpack: listos para recibirte en nuestro stand! El Grupo Cusinato, con las empresas Cusinato Giovanni Srl y CMB Srl, está presente a la feria Interpack de Düsseldorf, Alemania desde el 04 hasta el 10 de mayo 2023. Os esperamos desde el 04 hasta el 10 de mayo, en nuestro stand «A59» (Pabellón nº 11), donde nuestro personal de ventas estará disponible […]
Business between the Rummo pasta factory and Cusinato has been strengthened
One of the latest ambitious projects is the extension of the storage plant for Pastificio Rummo in Campania. Master pasta makers since 1846, the Rummo family has been a leading player in the production of excellent, top quality pasta for over 175 years. In 1990 they placed their trust in the expertise of Cusinato and […]
A new storage system for Abbiamo Pasta Company
In the United States a new Made in Italy storage system for Abbiamo Pasta Company Cusinato Giovanni is a company with a strong international vocation. In fact, in recent years alone, Cusinato has installed several plants in Europe, Asia, the United States, South America and North Africa. Who is Abbiamo Pasta One of the latest […]
Cusinato enhances its after-sales service with a new software.
«Cusinato Help Desk» is the name of the new software that Cusinato will premiere at Ipack-Ima 2022. An advanced system dedicated to the management of the after-sales service, able to make machines and plant parts intelligent and interactive, even if of past supply. It will in fact be offered both to Cusinato customers who already […]
Feria Ipack-Ima 2022
Feria Ipack-Ima 2022: listos para recibirte en nuestro stand! El Grupo Cusinato, con las empresas Cusinato Giovanni Srl y CMB Srl, estará presente a la feria Ipack-Ima de Milano desde 03 hasta el 06 mayo 2022. Os esperamos desde el 03 hasta el 06 mayo, en nuestro stand «B12-C15» (Pabellón nº 3), donde nuestro personal […]
Cusinato Group completes the storage plant at Pastificio Felicetti
One of the most ambitious projects Cusinato has just started is the storage plant for the Pastificio Felicetti in Val di Fiemme, Trento region, Italy, put into operation in the last quarter 2021. The Felicetti family has been a leading player in the production of excellent, high-quality pasta for more than a century, and for […]
Exhibition Gulfood Manufacturing
Exhibition Gulfood Manufacturing: ready to welcome you to our stand! Cusinato Group, together with the companies Cusinato Giovanni Srl and CMB Srl, will be taking part in the Gulfood Manufacturing exhibition in Dubai from 7th to 9th November 2021. A global exhibition dedicated to the latest technologies applied in the food sector, from production to […]
New Pet Food storage facility at CJSC “Aleyskzernoprodukt”
We have successfully tested a new Pet Food storage facility at CJSC “Aleyskzernoprodukt”, a leading company in flour milling in Russia, which since May 2004 has also extended its offer, enlarging into a Pet Food production facility. The Cusinato system, located in a multi-storey plant, is composed of an automated system for feeding and extracting […]
Cusinato is quality certified since 20 years
This year the ISO 9001 certification audit has been passed successfully. The entire Cusinato staff is daily committed daily to give customers the highest quality, both in service and in the realization of the systems.
Virtual Exhibition ELO Emballage
Virtual Fair Elo Emballage: ready to welcome you to our virtual stand! Cusinato Group, together with the companies Cusinato Giovanni Srl and CMB, will be taking part in the digital exhibition ELO Emballage until 15 January 2021 A digital showroom dedicated to end line conveying and storage technologies and food packaging. To participate free of […]
Storage Evolution 8.0
Cusinato’s response to the AUTOMATION request! Technology is the driving force of Cusinato. The latest version of STORAGE EVOLUTION 8.0 is the most updated development of the automation application for CUSINATO storage systems. For many years our company has distinguished itself in the handling, storage and mixing sectors of fragile granular products thanks to the great quality […]
When stainless steel is the protagonist
Maximum hygiene with the revamping of the top quality pasta plant! Another plant, another challenge. Updating an existing system, maximizing the level of sanitation. This is the request made by a company, an acknowledged leader in the production of pasta. A stimulating and complex request, which is intended to improve the quality and logistics of […]
Reliability: a choice constantly renewed over time. And in practice.
Our mission of introducing the companies with which we have had a professional relationship based on esteem and cooperation for many years continues. A connection that demonstrates reliability and is the result of a mutual trust built over time. The Antico Pastificio di Bologna This is the case, for example, of Granarolo – an ancient […]
Double accomplishment for Giovanni Cusinato: he celebrated his 80th birthday and 55 years of history for the Paduan company he founded
San Martino di Lupari, February 23rd 2019. It was a double accomplishment for Giovanni Cusinato as he celebrated both his 80th birthday and 55 years of history for the Paduan company he founded: Giovanni Cusinato Srl, a leader in plant building for the storing and handling of fragile products. The celebration held on Saturday, February […]
Revamping of an old facility: La Molisana in Campobasso
Revamping of an old facility: La Molisana in Campobasso. There are about 340 thousand tons of pasta that in the last two years have passed through the short pasta storage facility of the La Molisana pasta factory in Campobasso, the company that chose us as a supplier for works related to the revamping on its […]
Bucket Elevators, an Evolution in the transport of granular products
Intelligence, automation and flexibility: three challenges. Three missions that have been carried forward for decades with perseverance and conviction and which are expressed in all products we design and build. Three terms which have become evident, especially with the creation of bucket elevators and conveyors: an exclusive, patented, latest generation system that is the result of […]
AgroProdMash 2018
La feria se llevará a cabo en Moscú, Rusia, del 8 al 12 de octubre de 2018 en el Expocentre en Moscú
From June Newsletter
As announced in our previous newsletter, Cusinato Group has recently acquired the majority share of the company CMB based in Marostica, in the province of Vicenza, to oversee its governance together with Mr. Sergio Battistello. With this acquisition, the holding company of the Cusinato family expands its range of machines and systems: In fact, for […]
Con una importante novedad: Grupo Cusinato adquiere CMB
Estamos encantados de anunciarles que nuestra oferta de instaciones y tecnologías innovadoras para almacenamiento y transporte se amplía con la asunción del control de CMB Srl. Para Cusinato es otro paso decisivo en el futuro: la adquisición estratégica abre nuevos horizontes para el grupo con una rama especializada en instalaciones de almacenamiento y transporte de […]
Cusinato would like to invite you to IPACK-IMA 2018
Come and find out our latest great news and the future strategic horizons of the Cusinato group. Cusinato would like to invite you in Milan, Italy from May 29 to June 1, 2018 at the IPACK-IMA international fair specializing in food and non-food processing and packaging. Besides discovering our most recent innovative solutions for the food industry technology, […]
Cusinato’s signature quality
You are surely aware which route your product takes during the production cycle, but have you ever wondered what makes this journey not only a fascinating process but also a safe and quality one. For end users, it is certainly important to have products that are intact, but for manufacturers it is not sufficient: the […]
Tecnica Molitoria International ed. 2018
Visit us Ipack Ima
Processing & Packaging
Conocimento de la fabricación de pastas
Sharing know-how on pasta manufacturing. Link to request the invitation
Interpack Feria 2017 Dusseldorf
Estaremos en Interpack 4 al 10 mayo 2017 – Düsseldorf, Alemania; HALL 8b / D01